A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world; everyone you meet is your mirror. -Ken Keyes, Jr.
Time flies!
In July, it felt like I would never get used to this new phase of life. I struggled not only with fitting back into Malaysian culture but also with fitting into the working world. Change never comes easy, does it?
In July, I was also searching. For good people. I wrote: "I need to be reminded that good women and men exist. Good people. Alive people. Passionate people. Kind people. Real people."
Because life has a way of doing that thing to you. That thing where you feel you're alone, no one understands, and that you can't tell your struggles to anyone.
I still can't get over the fact that August rushed by like that. (But if I don't get around to my point now, September will have gone past too.)
Long story short, these past couple weeks have seen not a few, but many good people coming into my life.
It's been amazingly refreshing and motivating to be surrounded by real, imperfect, and yet so passionate, hopeful, and kind people.
But I have also been reminded that for these people to come into my life, I had to start opening up as well, and letting people in again.
In July I wondered to myself and several people: "Where are all the good people?"
Where are people who make your day better instead of worse, who give you a boost rather than bring your mood down, who change things rather than complain, who love thoughtful conversations rather than mindless gossip?
Today, I can say... they're everywhere. It just depends where you're looking.
A friend said, "I'm tired of looking for the right people."
But maybe it's not about looking elsewhere ie. hunting down 'perfect' friends, but rather, looking differently - ie. changing your perspective.
Over the past few weeks I've had the privilege of spending time with a group of people I initially was hesitant about - people I thought I would have very little in common with - just talking about life and faith and the meaning of it all.*
I was humbled, because I was reminded that no matter who we are or where we come from, we're all very much the same deep down. Despite how different we might seem on the outside, we share, in the words of Obama, "common hopes, common dreams, a bond that will not break."
*P/S - I think the best marketing / testimonial of any kind is when a sceptic becomes a believer. When the change or improvement becomes, tangible, real, personal.
Since I'd heard about it I've always been quite sceptical of the Alpha course, even after going on it once. But I'm glad I gave it another try, because not just have I realised how dynamic and uplifting it can be, but I also had the privilege to meet and talk to other huge sceptics and witness what a major shift of perspective can take place in just five weeks.
It's amazing what being surrounded by so much positivity and acceptance does - so if you ever get the chance to go on the course, don't miss it. Of course if you want me to help you find a course convenient for you (Alpha takes place in schools and workplaces worldwide), I'd be more than happy to.
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