
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today, I run because I'm free

This week, I started training seriously for the next few half marathons I have coming up, and if all goes well, I'm aiming for a full before the end of this year. It's quite scary typing this out, because at this point, it's a goal that I don't know if I'll be able to achieve. And it's scary saying these goals out loud, because then your words hold you accountable to achieving them.

I've put together a training calendar for myself - and while taken a day at a time, the miles are not too overwhelming, but when you look at the weeks and weeks of increasing mileage combined, it can be quite daunting. I don't doubt that with the proper training my legs can run those miles... it's more of whether I'll have the discipline to consistently wake up before the sun rises, morning after morning, on good days or on bad days, lace up my shoes, and just run.

To keep me motivated, I've decided to give myself a reason for every run I do. One simple reason to keep one foot landing in front of the other, a different reason every day - to remind myself why this day matters, why this run matters, why this moment matters.

So today, I run because I'm not the same girl I was at 16. At 16, I thought I had it all figured out, but I was naive and foolish. I didn't know how to say no to bad influences, to people who would take advantage of me, to distractions, to unhealthy obsessions.

Today, I run because those things no longer own me or control me or dictate who I am.

Today, I run because I know how to say 'no'. And in saying no, I find the strength to say 'yes' to life, 'yes' to owning myself.

Today, I run because I'm stronger today than I was yesterday. 

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