
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Relish11.8 - Beans

What flavor did you most relish this year? Perhaps it was a whole meal, but what can you say about the flavors of the last eleven months, what do you want to remember?

Image from TasteFood

I spent a lot of time eating alone in the UK. And so if there's one taste I'd want to keep in my memory, it'd be the better taste of food when it's shared with good company.

Other than that, new flavours I've discovered this year would be pulses and beans - which should be a staple of every cheapo student's diet. Healthy, fiber-filled, and powdery, beans are a way better alternative to potatoes. From hummus to bean stews, soups and casseroles to dhal curries, beans are an amazingly tasty, healthy, and cheap way to fill up.

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