
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Comment love

Welcome to the first ever round-up of my favorite recent comments on this blog and Facebook.

Remember, I love, love love a two-way conversation and it's more motivating for me to post new stuff when people respond to it. You don't have to like what you read/watch... you can hate it but give me suggestions for improvement - anything! As long as you say something. It's all these comments that really make my day.

I love karaoke and am always up for a session! Just say when... ;)

Sure ;)

KL can keep her in 3 and a half months time. :)

This made my day to know that even one person out there looks forward to each new post! Keep the love coming in! 

Another thing that makes my day is when silent readers start commenting as well, so if you're one of those, do leave a comment and say hi, will ya? :)

This was so timely and what I needed to hear. Thank you for sharing such beautiful words, Carissa.

I often feel the same when reading other people's blog and then think to myself, what could *I* possibly have to say that has not been said already? But comments like these remind me I do have some things worth saying. :)

I love empowering, 'you go, girl' comments anytime! :)

Another example of an empowering, inspiring comment. I LOVE Sarah-Ann!

Where I could use a little more love though, is my KLchickTV YouTube comments. I have a grand total of ONE comment (mine doesn't count :P). And thanks, junbecks. :)

Also, after six videos, I only have 10 subscribers. I know some of the vids might be boring but with more experience and more practice I'm sure they'll get better! But, it takes a long time to come up with an idea, shoot, and edit a vid, so to keep me motivated, SUBSCRIBE to my channel and share it with your friends too! :) (How shameless am I in self-promotion?:P Oh well... comes with the territory of being a Mass Comm-er... haha!)

So yes, sharing is caring (and making my day!).

Okay that's it for this week. :) Stay tuned, subscribing, or following if you're not already!

Much much love, snuggly blankets, and hot chocolates all the way from the UK.


  1. Didnt expect to see myself here! haha~~

  2. "Where I could use a little more love though, is my KLchickTV YouTube comments. I have a grand total of ONE comment (mine doesn't count :P). And thanks, junbecks. :)"

    you're welcome!
    wow you're quite talented. If I could, I'd buy your musical renditions but you'd probably need to pay loyalty. shucks.

    But since you've made your own music and words, how about compiling those on a cd?
    And use the photo of you holding glass of wine (champaign?) wearing red dress (previous post) as the cover of the cd! That would be smashing.

  3. [ah^kam_koko'] Thanks for being such a loyal reader!! :)
    [Jun] Thank you!! :) Haha it will take a lot of time but I'll think about recording some songs properly :)

  4. hahaaa AWWWWW & I LOVE YOUUU BACKK TOOOOO!!!!!! <3 <3
