
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch

Some rights reserved by DeaPeaJay

I was sitting at Butter + Beans at Seventeen, working on a writing project that has been burning inside me, one that I've been putting off for years now. Not too long after I decided to take some time out from incessantly being on social media, I began to feel that stir to write again.

And so I sat there on a lazy Monday afternoon, on a beautiful public holiday, at a counter facing outside the café as raindrops trickled down the glass (making it an even more perfect setting to be inspired). I wrote a couple of pages about falling quickly in and out of love with climbing and realising that phase of my life was not a waste because it inspired another friend to take climbing really seriously, and about how our stories are all connected and intertwined. I wrote that sometimes we go through life and we think are stories are about ourselves, but they're actually also part of someone else's story. Our lives have an immeasurable ripple effect on other lives.

As I wrote up, I looked up and occasionally met eyes with a pretty girl sitting at the table next to mine, just because we were sitting directly opposite each other. She was with a group of people and they were laughing and talking. After I had filled about three pages with words, it was time for a toilet break. As I made my way back to my table after, she approached me.

"You're Crystal, right? Crystal Cha?"

I paused. It was one of those I-feel-like-I-should-recognise-you-but-I-really-don't moments.

"Um... do I know you from somewhere?" I asked hesitatingly. "Do we have friends in common or something?"

She laughed. "Yeah, actually, we do."

And without mentioning names, it then dawned on me that she was my ex's ex. Yup, my ex's ex. You'd think that what would ensue next would be quite an awkward conversation, given our common history, and the fact that naturally, I've heard about her, I'm pretty sure she's heard about me, and we've probably, like, stalked each other on Facebook, but we've never met in real life.

But it was the most surprisingly natural conversation that followed. I don't know whether it's hipster coffee places or it's just me, but I seem to attract a lot of these random but good conversations while sitting at coffee joints.

We sat down, and chatted briefly about what we're doing at work and the common experience we shared of learning to be friends with someone after dating that person, of seeing an ex as a friend and an individual, instead of as a partner playing a role. We talked about how he was probably one of the only ex-es we've been able to stay good friends with after. And she told me how she wants to go into acting as it's always been a childhood dream of hers. She told me how she used to read my blog, that I was a really good writer, and that I should write a book one day.

She also said, "You know, I probably shouldn't say this, but I was really rooting for you guys."

And I said, "Yeah, well... I guess that's life. Sometimes it's just the circumstances or the timing that's not right."

"Yeah, that's true."

Pretty intense stuff for a ten-minute conversation. 

As I sat down later to mull over the completely random conversation I stumbled upon, I started thinking about how normal and natural it felt. Meeting sometime who has played a role like that in the life of someone who was so much a part of a past life could have been, in a different setting, at a different time, incredibly painful or incredibly awkward. And yet it wasn't.

There used to be a time when, because of that past chapter of my life, I couldn't listen to certain artists or certain songs because it was just. so. painful. Everything reminded me of what I once had, everything gave me a reason to miss those little things. But as I sit here now typing this and listening to those songs, I know that things are different now. I know that time has passed, wounds have healed, friendships have been rekindled, mistakes forgotten.

As I thought about the conversation I had, I realised that I was now officially friends with both the ex-es that my ex dated before and after we were together. But the labels don't matter any more. Ex, ex's ex... at the end of the day, we're all just individuals with our stories to tell.

Perhaps it's true that birds of a feather flock together. And perhaps mistakes may be made but even after all is said and done, there is still something that keeps drawing kindred spirits together. Ex or ex's exes, these people have inspired me and encouraged me and undoubtedly played a role in my life. Mistakes and all, I'm thankful that they've been part of my journey.

Like I wrote earlier, I do deeply believe that our stories are all connected, no matter how strange or unlikely the connections might be sometimes. I used to be the type of person who could just move on from one group of friends to another, because how can you possibly fit so many people into your life if new ones keep walking in, I used to think.

But I'm finding more and more now that the people who leave a mark on your life never really leave you. You can spend miles and years apart but the memories you've shared with them and the lessons they've taught you will never ever disappear. As one movie puts it, "Our fingerprints never fade from the live we've touched."

So here's to cherishing our connections to each other. The random, unlikely, unexpected, but oh-so beautiful, special, and unique connections we stumble across as we go about minding our own business. These connections shake up our comfortable little lives and help us see the world through another person's eyes, and they leave us never the same again.

Don't be afraid of connection. Yes, nothing will quite replace the 'firsts'. Nothing will replace the space certain people will always have in your heart. But there will be new 'firsts' to embrace. And the heart always makes room for more. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Life together

Some rights reserved by ROSS HONG KONG

Today, I am thankful for the ones who care enough to ask us the hard questions.

Who ask, 'What if...?' and 'Why not...?' when you're frustrated and tired and just plain joyless.

The ones who help you see beyond the confusion of today and remember the tomorrow that you've been working towards. The ones who cut through the clutter of your niggling worries and self-doubt and remind you of how far you've come. The ones who remind you to give yourself permission to just rest, or to just be.

There used to be a time when I got tired of being around people and wondered if I could ever learn to trust people and let people in again. I'm so glad I did, because nothing else I've done in my life has been more worth it than learning to love all over again and learning to live in community. 

"If you want to change the world, you need to change your story."

"...when we begin to see our suffering as a story, we are saved." // Anaïs Nin

"Great stories happen to those who can tell them." // Ira Glass

"We live in story like a fish lives in water. We swim through words and images siphoning story through our minds the way a fish siphons water through its gills. We cannot think without language, we cannot process experience without story." // Christina Baldwin

"We are healed by our stories." // Terre Tempest Williams

"The stories we tell literally make the world. If you want to change the world, you need to change your story." // Michael Margolis


I’ve always found the idea quite beautiful that life is about so much more than myself, and my stories are part of other people’s stories as well. I believe that part of the human experience is that we are all connected to each other, and sometimes without even knowing it, our lives have a ripple effect on others.

We all have our stories to tell. I pray that I will be able to tell, and live, mine well.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Today, I run because I know who owns me

"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." // Philippians 3:12-14

Today, I run because it reminds me who owns me. It reminds me that I am not owned by my fears, my insecurities, my worries, other people's opinions, or the pressures and stress of this world, though sometimes it may feel that way. I am owned by Christ. And because He has taken hold of me, I am able to master my days, my emotions, my body.

I'm able to own tough runs, knowing they will make me stronger. I'm able to own tough days, knowing that there's still tomorrow to look forward to. I'm able to own the self-doubt that threatens to fill my mind and distract me, knowing where my security is found.

I run because it reminds me that I don't have to be mastered by things that weigh me down, that I am mastered by the only true giver of life, and that it will always be an uphill climb, but because of who owns me, I have strength enough to keep pressing on towards discovering His destiny and plan for me.

Today's inspiration: 


Friday, January 25, 2013

Be still

there are days to do, to leap, to risk, to run, to go

and there are days to be still.

to honour the silence

the pause

the void

the emptiness

the lack

the uncertainty

to linger in that space between what was

and what is coming

to be aware and reminded that things are changing

and that space

is an opportunity to celebrate

but also to let go of what was

and to recharge

to prepare for

to embrace

what's coming ahead. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today, I run because I'm free

This week, I started training seriously for the next few half marathons I have coming up, and if all goes well, I'm aiming for a full before the end of this year. It's quite scary typing this out, because at this point, it's a goal that I don't know if I'll be able to achieve. And it's scary saying these goals out loud, because then your words hold you accountable to achieving them.

I've put together a training calendar for myself - and while taken a day at a time, the miles are not too overwhelming, but when you look at the weeks and weeks of increasing mileage combined, it can be quite daunting. I don't doubt that with the proper training my legs can run those miles... it's more of whether I'll have the discipline to consistently wake up before the sun rises, morning after morning, on good days or on bad days, lace up my shoes, and just run.

To keep me motivated, I've decided to give myself a reason for every run I do. One simple reason to keep one foot landing in front of the other, a different reason every day - to remind myself why this day matters, why this run matters, why this moment matters.

So today, I run because I'm not the same girl I was at 16. At 16, I thought I had it all figured out, but I was naive and foolish. I didn't know how to say no to bad influences, to people who would take advantage of me, to distractions, to unhealthy obsessions.

Today, I run because those things no longer own me or control me or dictate who I am.

Today, I run because I know how to say 'no'. And in saying no, I find the strength to say 'yes' to life, 'yes' to owning myself.

Today, I run because I'm stronger today than I was yesterday. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hope is...


is not ignoring the past,

is not running away from the pain,

is not denying no mistakes were made.


is not being naive, 

is not being oblivious to the unanswered questions.

but hope is coming to that fork in the road...

and saying yes

to starting afresh,

to believing again,

to the possibility that tomorrow will be a better day. 

hope is trying again where you have failed,

is loving again when you have been burned,

is believing again what you have doubted. 

hope is letting go of the need to have all the answers,

to have everything tied up into pretty, controllable, understandable, tidy little packages,

and diving in and embracing the beautiful, messy, chaotic truth

that i am not done with my changes

that getting lost and finding my way back again,

that being taken apart and being put back again,

that falling and getting up again,

is part of the journey. 

and hope is saying,

i don't know if i can make it, i don't know if i have what it takes, 

but okay,

i'm ready

to begin again. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

The first thing. The most important thing. The only thing.

"Seek ye first the kingdom of God... and all these things will be added to you." // Matthew 6:33

The first week of the year was a hectic, but good one. I managed to accomplish all the things I set out to do, and I was feeling pretty productive. By the time the weekend rolled around, however, I found myself completely drained. Emotionally, mentally, and physically tired. I found myself asking God how after such a fulfilling week, I could end up feeling this way - frustrated at myself for not being able to do more, and just basically feeling lifeless and joy-less. After all, I'd been doing everything right - organising my priorities, setting my goals for the month and year ahead, and even managing to journal and read my Bible daily.

And then He spoke. Calmly and gently through my worrying and tiredness, bringing focus and clarity. Humbling me. Quieting my heart and reminding me of what matters.

"Am I number one in your life? Not just above the distractions of life - but even above the good things? Are you giving me your entire day or just a calendar booking in the middle of it? You can have all the right intentions and methods, and you can tick all the boxes, but do you remember what I'm really after?

I'm after your heart - I'm after all of you. I want to be the center of your life, not just a part of it. I want to be more than a nice-to-have - I want you to experience the height, the depth, the reality of my presence - which transcends all your fears, worries, doubt and busyness.

Are you trying to find rest the logical way? In more hours of sleep, in more rigid timetables, in getting more organised, in exercise? They're good things, but they are not Me. I am God not just for the good days, but for days of need and emptiness, and I. want. you. to. know. that. That is the most important thing to know. Not just know it in your head, but to experience my strength when you are weak, my joy when you are frustrated, my peace when all around is chaos. When you say you want to experience me, do you want to experience some airy-fairy, feel-good notion of me, or do you want to experience Me?"

"...the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed - or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” // Luke 10:41-42