
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

11 things I could use (more of) in my life

  1. Hunting for / photographing pretty things, breathtaking sights, and delicious food.
  2. Slow conversations over slow meals.
  3. Time to read inspiring blogs like laurennicolelove.
  4. Good women. Passionate women. Interesting women. Courageous women. Opinionated women. Real women. I need to be reminded they exist. Actually, scratch that. I need to be reminded that good women and men exist. Good people. Alive people. Passionate people. Kind people. Real people.
  5. Seeing other people's scars, feeling other people's heartaches, and hearing other people's secrets - to be reminded I'm not the only one with them.
  6. Spring cleaning and remodeling. Everything from my room to my thoughts.
  7. Writing fiction and poetry.
  8. Seeing, not just looking.
  9. Hearing, not just listening.
  10. Understanding, not just knowing.
  11. Hoping, not just wishing.
  12. Living, not just surviving.
6 to 12 is up to me.

But for 1 to 5, (and God knows what I have to say next is something I rarely ever say; in fact, I cannot even remember the last time I said it, in writing or out loud) I need you.

You matter. You're important.

Because just who you are and your presence could make a difference in someone else's life. Like mine.

Are you up for it?

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